Aortic Stenosis

It is known to many people that blood circulates throughout our whole body. Heart is totally responsible for the whole procedure. There are two chambers within the human heart- the lower chamber and the upper chamber. There is also the presence of ventricles in the heart- the left ventricle and the right ventricle. From the left ventricle, that is the left lower chamber of the heart, the blood normally passes and it flows through the aortic valve into the main artery of the body which is known as the aorta.

Blood is pumped by the heart which is then circulated throughout the entire body. Blood flows through the valves present in the heart. Heart pumps blood which is then circulated throughout the whole body. If the arteries and valves are clear enough so that blood flows through it without any hindrance or obstacles, then heart pumps normally and without giving any extra effort which would require if the arteries and valves are not free and full of obstacles and hindrances which prevents blood from flowing freely and smoothly. Aortic stenosis is common in men than in women. It may occur during birth. But, normally, it happens as the age grows.

Causes of aortic stenosis -

The aortic stenosis which is happened to the young people is due to the abnormality of the congenital heart. As people gets older and older, the more they are getting old, the more chances are there for the calcium to get deposited within the valve which hinders the free flow of blood throughout the entire body and as a result, the heart has to give extra bit of pressure to pump blood which also reduces the longevity of the heart. In the past, the cause for the development of aortic stenosis is something different from the cause which is prevalent now-a-days. In the past, rheumatic fever has been the cause for the creation of the aortic stenosis.

Symptoms of aortic stenosis -

There will be symptoms for the person who will develop aortic stenosis. But, if the aortic stenosis is mild, there will not be the presence of any symptoms, or even if symptoms can develop, it is not possible for detection. Only, if people feel tired, then that may be the symptom of aortic stenosis although tiredness does not mean all the time that the person who is showing signs of fatigue will have developed aortic stenosis. Whether the person concerned has developed aortic stenosis or not, is a matter of diagnosis which has to be conducted under the medical guidance and supervision of a specialist physician or a doctor.

If the intensity of the aortic stenosis is greater, then it will be very easier for somebody to understand that something is definitely wrong with him or her and the person will immediately consult with the medical practitioner because he or she will show intense symptoms like fatigue, tiredness, breathlessness, palpitations, dizziness and fainting, especially, during and after any kind of physical exertion whether after gymming or running or any other kind of physical exercise.  If the aortic stenosis remains to be very intensive for a long time, heart attack may happen which may ultimately lead to its failure?

Treatment of aortic stenosis -

The treatment of any kind of disease whether it is the aortic stenosis or anything will have to be treated from its very source. The rheumatic fever is responsible for the origin of aortic stenosis. So, the source of aortic stenosis is rheumatic fever and if it can be treated then the aortic stenosis will automatically can be cured.